Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Tonight on the American cooking hour...

Eggs Benedict and strawberry shortcake from my cherished Better Homes and Gardens retro cookbook, handed down by Mom.  We did cheat and use hollandaise from a mix, but only because after 9 hours of work I did not think I was primed to take my first stab at hollandaise.  Rachelle poached the eggs, since I was too afraid.  I still don't have too much of an appetite though, after being sick.

This conversation then followed...
Gina: We should totally go on Pekin Express.
Rachelle: Especially if they took it to the US- we would win!
Gina: I know! They'd never know what hit them.
Rachelle: You know that you'd have to wear pants and sneakers though.  No skirts.
Gina: What about leggings?
Rachelle: No.
Gina: I don't think I'd be very good at this after all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sarah miss Gina