Monday, September 01, 2008

Episode 8- Which is really just dinner from yesterday

Dinner for Sarah means French dinner! Ahem...

Tartelettes aux champignons, echalottes et poireaux (Mushroom, shallot and leek tartlets)

Parmentier du porc aux figues et miel et polenta (Polenta layered with roast pork and figs in a honey balsamic sauce)

Granite du cafe, creme chantilly a la canelle (Coffee granita with cinammon whipped cream)

Cupcake says, 2 thumbs up! The first two recipes come from two lovely Marabout editions- Tartes and Parmentiers. They arrived, finally, in the boxes from France along with many other cookbooks and other treasures. It looks like most things made it, but claims still have to be made with one of the two postal services for the things that were broken. After worries that the Oregon diploma was lost (it's already traveled across the ocean once!), there it was, nestled in its case. It's currently living at the framing place, awaiting its future home surrounded by mats and a frame. Then the world can delight in my Masterness, part 1! Ahahahaha.

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