So, it was just a cupcake birthday, which usually means "special food" (and this year it also means that I'm coming to see you in 2 days!). There was a lot of hemming and hawing going on around here, until I exclaimed, "I want to go to that restaurant in Nogales that everyone talks about and that we've never been to because I've only been to Mexico once!" That's right kids, Nogales, Mexico. And although it may seem like a vague description (notice that I didn't even know the name of the place), there really is a restaurant right across the border that everyone talks about. The part about me only having been to Mexico once is sadly also true. Worse: never been to the Grand Canyon.
So, without a care in the world (except for when I thought my skirt was too short), we headed southward from the Old Pueblo towards our destination. We had good information that the key was to park on the US side of the border (at a McDonalds) and walk across. Shady? Well, sort of, but not really. Walking across the border into Mexico was ridiculously easy. Not easy was seeing that stupid wall, but that's a whole different story. We walked around a little, then started to look for the restaurant. Clue: the restaurant, La Roca, has huge magnolia trees in front of it. Bigger clue: the restaurant is built into a cliff. Behold:
That huge iron bird in the window was a little scary, but we kept going. You know that feeling when you've reserved a table and then arrive at the place only to find out that you had absolutely no need to reserve? Yeah, that was us. But it did get us a prime seat by the window, looking over at this:
For anyone who thinks Mexico is all fiesta and pinatas, welcome to Mexico. La Roca has a very Spanish colonial feel, probably due to the huge Spanish colonial influence in the area. The waiters all wear white jackets, which is also pretty awesome. Once again, the cliff wall:
Then, problems arose. We were presented with this:
How do you choose? One of everything? Two of everything? Make friends with the table next to you? Also, I have to congratulate myself on the blurry photo before I had really even made a dent in my (ahem, first) margarita. I'm pretty sure you would die just reading the choices. And thinking about how delicious they'd be. And I wish you'd been there to eat this:
Ok, so chips and salsa aren't too orignal, or even authentic, but they were good. I really meant that I wish you'd been there to eat this:
Queso la Roca. Melted cheese (I'm guessing cotijo?), like a queso fundido, but with thinly fried potatoes (almost chips), cilantro and salsa verde. If man could live on cheese and potatoes alone, I would eat this every day. And probably have really high cholesteral. I know that you're a guacamole fan, so e, this guacs for you:
Unfortunately, I "forgot" to take pictures of my surprise birthday flan and the singing that accompanied it (with a guitar!). I don't even like flan, but this particular diversion had me at hello with its carmelness. I know, all flans taste like caramel. But this flan, it was special. It was my flan. Sadly, the night had to end, and we had to leave la Roca to walk back across the border (this time they checked our passports) and drive back to little old Tucson. Sigh.
So that's the trip to Mexico. I'm pretty sure you would have loved it, and also been slightly freaked out by the giant bird. But for the first time in years I get to say, I'll see you in a few days! Don't worry, I won't forget the tortillas.
Love, g
Oh my god...I want to walk to Mexico with you and gorge ourselves on cheese smothered dishes @ La Roca. Scary bird - watch out, I'm coming to dinner.
Can't wait to see you, g. Let the silliness commence.
I LOVE La Roca. They have the best tortilla soup I have ever had. I have spent my culinary life trying to recreate it.
This blog entry has caused me to plan to coerce my husband in to going to Nogales with me when we go to Tucson in December. YUM.
Adria you should write to Bon Appetit or Gourmet and ask for the recipe! Or just wait until your next trip down there, knock a chef out cold with a frying pan and then steal the recipe. Either or.
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