A wise cupcake once said that you can't go home again. But then another instructed to get back to where you once belonged. WHICH IS IT THEN CUPCAKE????
Sometimes the hardest thing is going home again, and realizing that it's not exactly what you had planned. Sometimes you can realize that nothing is ever going to change in this city and that the only thing that can change is you. And sometimes that means just picking up and getting out, as soon as you can.
Let's face it, this job market is no good, especially if your cupcake logic inspired you to get degrees in French, music, French, and Arts Management. And Tucson is mostly horrible for trying to job search in anything but science, health or missile stuff at Raytheon. Plans to leave by the beginning of September slowly fall apart and become October. So it is time for action! It is time to choose a city! And I choose you, Portland! (do you choose me too?)
So until further notice, all actions and energy will be directed towards getting cupcake and Ninja back to the Northwest. Will jobs be found? Will there be a scouting trip? Will this take time away from embroidery time? Actually, this is all just pretty confusing. Please choose me Portland! I love you!
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